Many events and tours are held throughout the year. The following are a few examples. As dates for each are firmed up, the calendar of events will be updated, giving specific times with pertinent details. Also, members receive quarterly newsletters which will indicate specifics on these events. Sign-ups will be available on-line in late summer for each year's tour events.
Winter Speaker Series 2020
January 16 7PM at Dixie Theater Apalachicola. 'How to Save the Earth ( and everything you love) 'Speaker: Janisse Ray: Author of 'Ecology of a Cracker Childhood'
February 6 7PM at the Port St. Joe Garden Club 'The Red Wolf: Story of Resilience' Speaker: Kim Wheeler : Executive Director Red Wolf Coalition
March 12 7PM at St. Joe Buffer Preserve, Port St. Joe 'Migratory Birds of St. Vincent National Wildlife Refuge' Speaker Don Morrow: Local Birder and St. Marks NWR volunteer *********************************************************************
2020 Annual General Membership Meeting
Sunday February 23 3-5PM
History, Culture,Arts Building
86 Water Street, Apalachicola
Memberships start at $20
Guided Tours beginning in October
Tours are currently scheduled from October through May. To make reservations please go to the Calendar and Sign Up page. Seats are limited and RESERVATIONS ARE REQUIRED. There is no charge for tour but participants will need to pay for round trip shuttle transportation to the island.
Board Meetings. These are monthly meetings for the Board of Directors typically held on the third Thursday of each month. Non-members can attend with prior notification and approval. This also applies to guest speakers. Meetings are held at the St. Vincent NWR Office in Apalachicola and begin at 5 p.m. (Eastern Time).
Annual Membership Meeting. Typically held in February or March, there is a short business meeting, opportunity for membership renewal, new membership application processing, a special guest speaker and a free lunch for members.
WILD WEEK In celebration of National Wildlife Refuge Week and in partnership with the US Fish and Wildlife Service themed and guided tours featuring guest experts are offered during Wild Week in mid-October. Look for more information on our Calendar and Sign Up page.
The Supporters group conducts wagon tours of St. Vincent Island in October, November and January through May. The tours are open wagon and last approximately 4.5 hours. Depending on the time of year, the temperatures can be very warm and biting insects can be present. You must be able to walk a decent distance in soft sand. Dress accordingly and bring your own water, insect repellent, sun block and snacks.
Guided Walks: Walks are several hours and may be between 1-3 miles , depending on route. The walks are not suitable for small children or persons with limited mobility. Walks are led by volunteers and sometimes specialists in various nature topics.
Make your reservations on the Calendar and Sign Up page. Seats are assigned on a first come first serve basis. If the specific tour date you are looking for is full, you are welcome to continue checking the website prior to the event to see if any slots have opened up.
Cost: There will be a per person (round trip) charge of $10 paid to the private company that operates the shuttle from Indian Pass to St. Vincent.
* Proceeds from any other donations support a variety of Refuge programs
Plan to arrive at the Indian Pass boat ramp by 8:15 a.m. (Eastern time). Tours may be cancelled or postponed due to adverse weather or sea conditions.